Tutorial.gd 571 B

  1. extends CanvasLayer
  2. export(NodePath) var playnode
  3. func _on_arrows_pressed():
  4. $tut/AnimatedSprite.frame += 1
  5. $tut/AnimatedSprite2.frame += 1
  6. pass # Replace with function body.
  7. func _on_arrows2_pressed():
  8. $tut/AnimatedSprite.frame -= 1
  9. $tut/AnimatedSprite2.frame -= 1
  10. pass # Replace with function body.
  11. func _on_back_pressed():
  12. get_node(playnode).show()
  13. $tut.hide()
  14. pass # Replace with function body.
  15. func _on_howto_pressed():
  16. yield(get_tree(),"physics_frame")
  17. get_node(playnode).hide()
  18. if !$tut.visible: $tut.show()
  19. pass # Replace with function body.